Parent/Carer Support

These sessions are of particular use when a child is in therapy with me.

These sessions aim to help parents/carers to understand, manage and support their child with any issues that they may be struggling with.

There may be times that sessions can trigger difficult memories from your past, should this be the case it is important that you, as the parent are able to voice these, particularly as these may be affecting your interaction with your child.  However, it is important that the sessions maintain a child centred focus.

Support can take many different forms and may incorporate

  • Leaflets/reading
  • Parental diary
  • Worksheets
  • Set tasks such as implementing 1:1 time with your child/reward tasks
  • Helping your interaction skills to manage difficult situations (panic attacks/anger episodes)
  • Signposting to support groups
  • Recommendations to access personal therapy

It is important to note that confidentiality of the child’s individual sessions must me maintained within sessions with parents/carers.