
Although the sessions with individuals remain confidential there are circumstances in which information must be shared with others.   These are laid out in the code of conduct of ‘the British Association of Dramatherapists’

  • Within clinical supervision
  • with other professionals related directly to the case/care of the client;
  • when a group member has reason to believe that a breach of professional conduct has taken place and intends to inform the regulating body;
  • when the therapist considers that the client, another individual or group of people or society at large is deemed to be in danger of serious harm;
  • when the client is deemed by the therapist to be at serious risk from self harm;
  • when the practitioner is aware of child protection issues being raised in the course of the therapy, even though the therapist may not have direct contact with the child;
  • when a court order to reveal information is issued. Failure to provide information may place the practitioner in contempt of court.

Should I have any concerns regarding either the clients or others welfare I have a duty of care to report this to the appropriate body, such as my local safeguarding board and social services.